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Date : 2018-03-26
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ESV Scripture Journal James ~ ESV Scripture Journal James positions the full text of 1 Corinthians opposite lightly lined blank pages for recording notes and prayers—great for personal Bible reading and reflection group studies or sermon notes
ESV Scripture Journal James ESV Bibles by Crossway ~ The ESV Scripture Journal Old and New Testament Sets pair the entirety of every book of the Bible with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of Bible text allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture These thin portable notebooks are great for personal Bible reading and reflection smallgroup study or taking notes through a sermon series
ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal James ESV Bibles by ~ ESV Illuminated Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with a lightly dotted blank page opposite each page of Bible text providing space to creatively engage with and reflect on the Word of God
ESV Scripture Journal James 9781433562402 ~ ESV Scripture Journal James positions the full text of 1 Corinthians opposite lightly lined blank pages for recording notes and prayers—great for personal Bible reading and reflection group studies or sermon notes
James ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal 9781433564949 ~ ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal James pairs the entirety of the book of James with a lightly dotted blank page opposite each page of Bible text and handlettered illustrations interspersed throughout—providing space to creatively engage with and reflect on the Word of God
ESV Scripture Journal James Paperback The Gospel ~ ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture This edition features the book of James and is thin and portable—great for personal Bible reading and reflection smallgroup study or taking notes through a sermon series
James 1 ESV Greeting James a servant of God and ~ James 1 English Standard Version ESV Greeting 1 James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion Greetings Testing of Your Faith
James 2 ESV The Sin of Partiality My brothers Bible ~ James 2 English Standard Version ESV The Sin of Partiality 2 My brothers show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say “You sit here in a good
Introducing ‘ESV Scripture Journals’ Crossway Articles ~ ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture Individual volumes feature one book of Scripture in a thin and portable format—great for personal Bible reading and reflection smallgroup study or taking notes through a sermon series
James 1 James a servant of God and of the ~ James Greeting 1 a James a servant 1 of God and b of the Lord Jesus Christ To c the twelve tribes in d the Dispersion Greetings Testing of Your Faith 2 e Count it all joy my brothers 2 when you meet trials f of various kinds 3 for you know that g the testing of your faith h produces steadfastness 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be i perfect and complete lacking in nothing
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