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Date : 2017-07-01
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CSB Firefighters Bible CSB Bibles by Holman ~ CSB Heroes Bibles — separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals firefighters and law enforcement officers feature 7point type in a convenient Easytocarry compact trim size with an extended devotional section of articles prayers and spiritual guidance
CSB Firefighters Bible Burgundy LeatherTouch ~ The CSBs optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes Scripture more moving more memorable and more motivating to read and share with others CSB Firefighters Bible Burgundy LeatherTouch 9781433651748
CSB Firefighters Bible by CSB Bibles by Holman Hardcover ~ CSB Heroes Bibles – separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals firefighters and law enforcement officers – feature 7point type in a convenient easytocarry compact trim size with an extended devotional section of articles prayers and spiritual guidance Other features include a special presentation section words of Christ in red and a twopiece gift box
CSB Firefighters Bible LifeWay ~ CSB Heroes Bibles – separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals firefighters and law enforcement officers – feature 7point type in a convenient easytocarry compact trim size with an extended devotional section of articles prayers and spiritual guidance Other features include a special presentation section words of Christ in red and a twopiece gift box
CSB Firefighters Bible ~ CSB Heroes Bibles – separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals firefighters and law enforcement officers – feature 7point type in a convenient easytocarry compact trim size with an extended devotional section of articles prayers and spiritual guidance Other features include a special presentation section words of Christ in red and a twopiece gift box
CSB Firefighters Bible Imitation Leather Red Mardel ~ The Christian Standard Bible attempts to unveil the Bibles meaning through an optimal equivalence translation The CSB uses both wordforword and thoughtforthought translation methods in an effort to amplify the meaning behind text For more information on the different Bible translations view our Bible Translation Guide
CSB Firefighter39s Bible 2017 Imitation Leather for ~ CSB Heroes Bibles separate editions thoughtfully designed for EMS professionals firefighters and law enforcement officers feature 7point type in a convenient easytocarry compact trim size with an extended devotional section of articles prayers and spiritual guidance
HCSB The Firefighters Bible Holman Bible Editorial Staff ~ Stephen Darcangelo Fire Chief in Mount Lebanon Pennsylvania says stress kills He says in firefighting you go from idle to full tilt in a matter of seconds Firefighting is stressful on both firefighters and their families The Fireman’s Bible is designed specifically for these who serve us all in this high risk role
Christian Standard Bible CSB ~ It’s a Bible you can teach from with confidence and a Bible you can share with your neighbor hearing God’s Word for the very first time CSB The Christian Standard Bible is a trustworthy translation that is proven to be the optimal blend of accuracy and readability
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